Relationship Testing

Do you want to confirm a relationship? Use DNA testing to get the answer you need and get rid of any doubts. Here at Certainty DNA, we provide many types of DNA tests to choose from for confirming biological relationships. If you’re not sure when test below is right for you, call us for a free consultation—our friendly and knowledgeable experts are ready to help!


If a possible father is not available for paternity testing, a grandparent DNA test can confirm a family relationship instead. One or both paternal grandparents can participate.


Maternity DNA testing can confirm a maternal relationship for immigration, prove an adoptee’s relationship with their biological birth mother, and more.


When two people are trying to determine if they share the same father and the father is not available for testing, a sibling DNA test is an effective alternative.


Avuncular DNA test is a good option when the father is not available for DNA testing, and the only relative available is a single sibling (brother or sister) of the father.

Male Lineage

A Y-STR comparison test is a male lineage test can tell you whether a child is related to the alleged father’s brother(s) and other male relatives who share a common paternal line.

Female Lineage

The mtDNA comparison test is a female lineage DNA test that can confirm your relationship to long-lost relatives and ancestors through the maternal/female line.