Grandparentage Testing

When a possible father isn’t available for paternity testing, one or more of his parents can participate instead. The child’s mother is encouraged to add her DNA to the test as well since it helps to expedite analysis and can strengthen results.

Whether you just want to know for your own peace of mind or obtain a report for legal reasons, we provide the accurate answers you need to know.

Why Grandparentage Testing?

The most common reason for grandparents to take a DNA test is to confirm the truth about a biological relationship, but there are more possible reasons to take a grandparent paternity test, such as; confirming medical history, Social Security benefits, inheritance claims, Insurance claims, and more.

Results are completely confidential, and your private genetic information is never shared with or sold to outside parties.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A grandparent DNA test is as accurate as a paternity test, although the conclusiveness of results can vary more. For example, the probability of a relationship between a father and child is almost always 99.9% or higher, but for a single-grandparent test (where only one paternal grandparent is tested instead of both paternal grandparents), the probability of relationship might be 92%— which is nevertheless still considered a conclusive result. To strengthen the conclusiveness of test results, we recommend that both paternal grandparents test (if possible) and that the child’s mother participate in testing, as well. When both paternal grandparents and the mother participate in testing, probability of paternity is nearly always 99.9% or higher.

  • You can do this grandparent DNA test using samples from just one paternal grandparent and the child; however, the chances of obtaining conclusive results are reduced. If possible, we always recommend including the mother’s DNA in both single-grandparent and grandparentage (both paternal grandparents) DNA tests. Ideally, both paternal grandparents would test, along with the child and the mother.

  • Yes, a grandparent test can be done without the mother, although we highly recommend that the mother be included as well. Her participation helps the analysts to more clearly determine which of the child’s DNA comes from the father’s side and which comes from the mother and it can also help to strengthen the probability of relationship percentage.

  • Yes; a grandparent DNA test can be used for legal reasons as long as a chain-of-custody procedure has been set up and followed.

    Results from a legal grandparent test are court-admissible and can be used for legal reasons such as Social Security, inheritance rights, custody, and more. Results for an informational or at-home grandparent DNA test cannot be used legally.

  • Whether the test is an at-home or a legal one, the responsibility is on the tested parties to ensure all parties and/or legal guardians agree to testing.

  • Understanding results for a grandparent DNA test is a little tricky, since there can never be a straight “yes or no” answer in relationship testing. Calculations for relationships such as grandparent, avuncular (aunt/uncle), and siblings all involve statistics, and a probability of relationship is given as a percentage in the report:

    90% or higher: the relationship is supported by DNA testing
    90% – 89%: inconclusive result, and additional parties need to be tested
    Below 90%: the relationship is not supported by DNA testing

    If a probability of relationship (PRI) of 92% is given for a grandparent test, the result could be understood as: “There is a 92% probability that the persons tested share a grandparent/grandchild relationship.”